Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Emotional Intelligence in SW Dev ---- 1

Yes, I must write on this topic now ... I have been planning to write on it for the last few days ... Since today I gave this blog url to Elli of JOBS-ICT, who also trains Soft Skills for IT Professionals .. now I have to write more on Soft Skills ... ;-) ...

Quotes from the notes of Ms. Elizabeth Soltis, Learning Resource Center, UNDP, New York
Emotional Intelligence is the intelligent use of emotions. It is about how people handle themselves and their relationships. It involves a set of competencies (skills, knowledge, behaviour) that enables someone to be aware of and able to manage self and others in a life-affirming way. Personal responsibility is the key in knowing that people have ownership of their emotions in making powerful choices.

The focus of "Emotional Literacy" is on regaining the natural ability to feel and use emotions wisely. This is the practice of "Human Development" from inside out !!

Personal Competencies

  • Emotional Awareness: recognizing and validating our emotions and their effects
  • Accurate Self-Assessment: knowing our strengths and limits
  • Self-Confidence: having a strong sense of self-worth and capabilities
  • Self-Control: managing emotions and expressing feelings appropriately
  • Trustworthiness: maintaining standards of honesty and integrity
  • Conscientiousness: taking responsibility for personal performance
  • Adapatability: thinking in constructive, balanced ways to deal with life's changes
  • Innovation: being comfortable with new ideas, approaches and information
  • Achievement Drive: striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence
  • Commitment: aligning with the goals of the group or organization
  • Initiative: readiness to act on opportunities
  • Optimism: persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and set-backs
Relationship Competencies

  • Understanding Others: sensing other's feelings and perspectives
  • Developing Others: supporting other's developmental needs and their abilities
  • Service Orientation: anticipating, recognizing and meeting client needs
  • Leveraging Diversity: creating opportunities by using different people talents and perspectives
  • Political Awareness: reading a group's emotional currents and power relationships
Social Skills
  • Influence: using effective strategies for persuasion
  • Communication: listening openly and sending clear messages
  • Conflict Management: negotiating needs and resolving disagreements
  • Leadership: inspiring and guiding individuals and groups
  • Change Catalyst: initiating and managing change
  • Building Bonds: nurturing relationships effectively
  • Collaboration: cooperatively working with others toward shared goals
  • Team Capabilities: creating group synergy while working on projects
Enhancing Our EQ Capacity

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Research shows that EQ skills are more important than IQ in determining personal effectiveness and success -- at work and beyond. This dimension of one's performance is critical to achieving any organizational goals. Daniel Goleman, the pioneer of EQ theory, states that EQ competencies are NOT innate talents, but rather learned capabilities that can be developed over time to achieve outstanding performance.

Personal Competencies: Emotional Awareness; Self-Assessment, Self-Confidence, Adaptability

Common Myths about Emotions
  • Emotions are stronger than me.
  • Others control my emotions.
  • I can't help my emotions. My emotions control me.
  • I have no control how I express my emotions.
  • All emotions must be expressed.
  • It is better to get out of my anger by venting. This relieves me of my upset.
  • Emotions are right/wrong/good/bad.
  • I'm supposed to feel in a certain way in certain situations.
  • Difficult feelings are bad and should be avoided. Emotions are my enemy.
  • It is inappropriate to express my emotions at work.
    • Emotions are our internal compass that points us towards actions which address our needs.
    • They serve as our barometer in letting us know how we are doing.
    • With this vital information, we are able to set healthy boundaries for ourselves.
    • Emotions help us to relate to others. They can also be alarms, motivating us to take action.
    • Emotions are fundamentally adaptive, acting as shepherds guiding us to safety and well-being.

Five Step Process in Managing Emotions Effectively : (Do NOT Skip Any Step !)
  1. Tune-In and Acknowledge
  2. Breathe and Allow
  3. Recognize and Identify
  4. Validate and Empathize
  5. Discern and Express
Common EQ Challenges / Opportunities
  1. Self-Responsibility
  2. Self-Esteem
  3. Trust
  4. Positive Attitude
  5. Dealing with Change
  6. Gentleness with self and others
  7. Patience
  8. Balance in Life
  9. Power / Control Issues
  10. Personal Commitment
  11. Discipline
  12. Letting go and forgiveness